South African Law Centre provides customized solutions, training, publications and training material for organizations to be legally compliant and to assist them in carrying out their mandates. This includes training of staff whose jobs require some rudimentary or detailed legal knowledge on any specific area, field or aspect of the law. We evaluate, through consultation, any legal training and education needs and tailor solutions accordingly.
Some of our past customers include Steel Engineering Industry Federation of South Africa (SEIFSA), the Umgeni Water Board, South African Law Society, Lexis Nexis, TBW Hunt Lascaris, Ellies, Astral Foods, among others.
We also host workshops for company staff that empower employees by providing knowledge of their legal rights and how to uphold and protect these rights.
South African Law Centre’s seminars, compliance and regulatory training is managed and facilitated through our in-house experts, as well as outside expert partners. These include attorneys, advocates, academics, financial experts and regulatory bodies.
114 Eckstein Street,
Observatory, Johannesburg,